Friday, March 27, 2009


This blog is dedicated to my sock pimp.....The one and only BETHIE!!!
I have a huge love for socks. I love socks of all kinds and colors. My love for them started when I first began my career in early childhood care and education. On one need-to-do-laundry day, I wore two different socks. The kids were thrilled. So, I have always worn two different socks since. The kids and now the staff love to see my socks and comment if I wear an actual pair.
One day, while driving my friend Coin back to meet her parents halfway to
Michigan, her mom happened to notice that I had on one reindeer sock and one ghost sock. A rather odd pair...but that's me!
Now, everytime Coin comes up...Bethie sends me a new pair of great and wonderful colorful seasonful socks!
So, here's to you Bethie...I love the way you feed my need for obnoxious socks.
And just so you all know....I never wear them as pairs. I always wear two different socks at the same time.
So, here's a few of the socks that she has added to my collection and also a few of my own. The purple socks are my newest addition that I purchased online from They are the scrunchable kind. They are probably the most hideous things ever...but I love them with every fiber of my being!
So, here's to you Bethie...I love you!!!
And now the balls in your court friends....What is your obsessive love that you just have to have?

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Damn teeth

The pictures are of my new hair cut. What do you all think? This is the first time I've ever let them put layers in my hair because I've always had an irrational hatred for them. They also put hi lites and lo lites so that when I can't get back to upkeep my new color, my natural hair color isn't too far off. And off to my post.....................

When I was pregnant with Devin, my wisdom teeth began to bother me. I didn't know what it was, I just knew that my mouth and jaw were killing me until I saw the crown of the tooth coming through my gum on the one side. I tried to ignore it and they stopped bothering me after he was born. Then it started all over again when I got pregnant with nuby. I went to a dentist which turned out to be a nightmare. Since I was on Medicaid, you can only go to the crazy dentists...let me give you a visual

I walk into the office, sign in and have a seat in the waiting room. It is completely cluttered and full of beautiful African art. There are sculptures on the tables and pictures of black women and children on the walls. The floors which are already carpeted have zebra print rugs in random places.

So, I'm sitting in the waiting room looking around and waiting for Dr. Dentist. I finally get called back after waiting for 45 minutes and I was the only patient in the building. This was only the beginning. The nurse leads me back to a little room and puts me in the chair. I tell her about my teeth and she sets me up for x-rays while I'm asking her if this is ok because I'm 6 weeks pregnant. She assures me that it's fine. They cover my body with a giant metal blanket thing and proceed to take like 20 x-rays of my mouth while stuffing different little plastic things all around in there jabbing my gums, my tongue and making me gag every couple seconds. Fun fun fun.

We finish up the x-rays and now I am just sitting in the little chair in my laid back chair waiting for Dr. Dentist. This is when I have a chance to soak in the decor. The room has not 1, not 2, not even three...but four random lava lamps hanging out in there. And they were all on too. They were also three random digital alarm clocks...all on too. It looked as if they were just making stacks of random junk all over the little room. Stacks of papers lined the counter and boxes filled with more junk were under the counter. No problem, I thought. Everyone does spring cleaning...right? Maybe I caught him in the middle of a remodel? walks Dr. Dentist. Not the older African art loving black man that I had envisioned. But, a homely looking little white man who had a hump in his back. He shuffled along wearing slip on shoes that were too big making them slide across the floor as he walked. His pants were a dark brown cordaroy and were covered with white paint spots. The pants were cinched up with a belt as they were also way too big.

So, Mr. Dentist proceeds with his dentistry duties. He gets his little pick thingy and his mirror thingy and starts jabbing and stabbing my gums in the back. Maybe he hoped that by jabbing at them repeatedly it would tenderize my gums to make it easier for them to come through. heh...didn't work. After jabbing, muttering and breathing in my face for what seemed like an eternity, he leaves the room to go check out my x-rays. While he was gone, I pick up the torture instruments only to notice that they are covered with rust! Aaaaaaaaaaahhhhh....somebody get me out of here!

He comes back and tells me that he is scheduling me for surgery to get all four of my wisdom teeth removed and gives me a prescription for Tylenol 3. I ask him if it is safe for me to be put under for surgery and to take the meds. He assures me it's fine. I tell him that I will call back to schedule to surgery after I talk to my midwife.

I go home call my midwife and they tell me not to schedule or take the meds unless my face might explode at any second. So, lo and behold here I am with all four of my wisdom teeth still in there. One is almost all the way through now.

But, for the last three days, they have been killing me. My head has been pounding, my ears hurt and my jaw is throbbing. So, now that I have dental coverage through my work, I am going to see about getting them suckers yanked out.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

My NOT-ME Friday

Ok, I got this game from my bloggedy friend, Kirsty at It's called the NOT-ME Friday game and I believe it is meant to be done on a Friday. However, I am going to bust out my leather jacket and be a rebel and do it on Sunday. In my defense, Kirsty, the post will be about my Friday. Does that buy me any brownie points?

Ok, so the game is played by adding the word NOT in everything you do. So, here goes.

This past Friday was NOT Jason's birthday. Jason is not Amanda's ( husband.

We did NOT all find babysitters so that we could NOT go to Ruby Tuesday's for an adult night out.

I did NOT order the buffalo sandwich while NOT thinking it was the bison sandwich. I was NOT at all surprised when the waitress didn't bring me chicken smothered in buffalo sauce instead of my bison burger.

I did NOT eat that whole buffalo chicken sandwich and then lick the rest of the sauce off the plate.

Now we won't get to the funny parts.....I in no way would ever dream of ordering NOT ONE but TWO long island iced teas. They were NOT so great and refreshing as I sucked the sweetness down. I was NOT informing Chris' brother that his head was big and long way too loudly. I did NOT laugh in an old man's face while coming back from the restroom. And I was NOT scaring people in the restroom while I was in there.

After our dinner, we did NOT come back to my house to play monopoly. I most certainly would NOT get out the boxed wine after two long island iced teas. Amanda did NOT offer to flash a boob just to get some free property from the bank...that would make her a hooker. And, I did NOT try to charge her $500 monopoly dollars for her to show her boob...that would make me her pimp. Her husband did NOT lower his head in shame embarrassed to know us. And Chris was NOT jumping up and down because he thought he might NOT see a boob.

Now, that you all have heard about my NOT-ME Friday, please feel free to join in next Friday. It was hard to even write this without cracking up.

And now for the pictures. I can't figure out how to make them be at the bottom and not the top. Meet Jason and Amanda. And yes, I know I'm not the world's greatest photographer!