This blog is dedicated to my sock pimp.....The one and only BETHIE!!!
I have a huge love for socks. I love socks of all kinds and colors. My love for them started when I first began my career in early childhood care and education. On one need-to-do-laundry day, I wore two different socks. The kids were thrilled. So, I have always worn two different socks since. The kids and now the staff love to see my socks and comment if I wear an actual pair.
One day, while driving my friend Coin back to meet her parents halfway to

Now, everytime Coin comes up...Bethie sends me a new pair of great and wonderful colorful seasonful socks!
So, here's to you Bethie...I love the way you feed my need for obnoxious socks.
And just so you all know....I never wear them as pairs. I always wear two different socks at the same time.

So, here's to you Bethie...I love you!!!
And now the balls in your court friends....What is your obsessive love that you just have to have?